Friday, September 18, 2009

haha`~last post before i go to my trip~~
wahhaha...finally come~~~
so happy...
nothing much to write..
haven finish my homewok, dont feel like doing it anymore...
wait till i comeback then only finish it....
i prefer play first.....wahahhaha.......
tmr morning boarding at singapore changi airport....
promise to call khai ling be4 i go to singapore..
wahahha...i wanna call her when i am in singapore..
then she have to pay pay pay....wahhaha...i pay double nvm...wahahhaha...
ok...stop playing around.............

anyway,will miss u all,.............i will miss so much things this sure thats many things happen during this one week..i hoping someone can tell me o~!
cagih a.........ur duty...wahahhahaa..........
wish me luck,can savely comeback to meet all my dear dear friend o!

ps:happy holiday everyone
pps:Selamat hari raya~!
ppps:wait till i update my trip's story...kidaeyo`~
and and i haven pack my bag...oooooh no~~~~~~~~~~~~~


amterfear said...

happy holiday ya~~~

haven finish ur homework thn go n play ar~~
i love this style~~~

happy holiday~~~
looking forward to ur next post..^^

yIN xIN...=) said...

cagihya~!!still not yet prepared finish for da trip ar!!
aigooo~...lazy bum...=P

hahax...i think compare to kpop i think i finish da and lend u better isnt it~~~~
my duty...TT keke^^