Tuesday, September 15, 2009

doing my pj folio right now~~
dont feel like doin it...
actually this is my holiday project...since im not goin in malaysia this holiday,so i should finish it before my holiday start.....im a good gal!ahaha.....
nothing special today.....many teacher dint came....i wonder why......
as usual,struggling with my sejarah period....

and and and.........
i think i broke my finger!!!!!!!
so damn pain,,.....
Maybe i should go and seek for treament.....
cagih a.......otoke~!reli very pain leh......
stupid thumb........yish!
i just softly bent my thumb then feel the pain...
The pain is killing me....
maybe should just leave it like that....just like lee min said,it will recover itself...i hope so....
i cant play my keyboard~!OMG~!this is so torturing!
how the accident happend?
i also cant explained it....and i dunno why...
its just like i changing my cloth then accidently tarik my finger or something?!
haiya,i also dunny why lah....dont wish to think anymore~~
just wish my finger getting better and normal~!
i havin my keyboard class this friday!!!!!
GOd Bless me~


amterfear said...

u describe until so good..==
thx time be careful la..

wish ur finger get well soon..^^

yIN xIN...=) said...

that day u got told me hor...
now still painful is it..??

demonprinciple0320 said...

today better liao~!
so happy~!
no need to go see doctor~