Friday, September 4, 2009

HAHAHAHAHA~~~Finally Fx MV is out~!
i am now totally a super fx fan!!!!
love them forever...reli..neomu saranghaeyo`~
lachata ....ta...ta....
Amber is so so so damn cooll....
i felt like become a lesbian....
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love my yobo and namja chinggu very very much!
anyway,love krystal also....jung"s sister hwaiting!!!!!
ssica and krystal......
and and sulli~~~she is so so so cute......
love one part in the mv..when sulli is hi to luna that part..she is so damn cute in that part..haha...

Fx zzang.....looking forward for thier debut stage in music core o!!!!

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