Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lazy BUm~ i dint go to schl again~!wahahah~~but this is not my fault mah~!teacher they all go zoo liao`~so teacher say if dont wnt go zoo dont come to schl~! such a good gal~!of caz i will stay at home de mah`!Wat 4 goin to zoo leh~~but i never when that zoo be4 leh~!dunno will like wat de....very big??got train?>hahah~~anyway,today i sleep unil 10 am~~wah~!neomuchuta~!haha...dunno y leh`~~now very relax and feel bored~!suddenly miss my sis so much~~~then i can talk with her mah~!now at home only can talk with boy boy~!but is talk about taeyeon de~~and now snsd got no many things to talk accept MNET Factory Girls...haiz~~ohya~!im goin hav keyboard exam lioa~!scare scare leh~!555555~~im dying~!y this year,...after PMR must play play de mah~!(actually im playing now)but hav to pratice de keyboard~!55~~becz of de exam i hate de keyboard liao lah`!!555555~~haiz...i reli scare later i dint pass leh~!!!haiz...and so paiseh leh~!55555~~dont want lah~!555555555`~~and my exam is at 16 of november~!waaaaaaaaaaa...15 is MKMF leh~!5555~~how can u do this 4 me~!so sad~!haiz.....cannot watch it happily~!555555~~i hate it~!i hate it~~~!!!!!!!

dunno y every afternoon sure will hujan de neh?!!!hahaa.....haiz...and everytime got nothing to do~!cannot open pc....cannot open tv....hhee...but today i watch my super show again...hehe...this will be my last time to watch it liao...i mean be4 sis comeback~!caz wanna watch with my sis mah~!then if watch too much,then that time no feeling lioa~! cannot~!!haha....i juz wanna say i fall in love with my yesung oppa again~!dunno y~!everytime hear twins will sure fall in love o him de leh~!!!but i wanna say~!my hyukjae oppa still is my yobo~!he is de best...hahha~~~
i wanna watch 因为喜欢leh~!haiz...dunno chinese sub de first ep when come out~!haha...last time de special to be a good daddy~! so damn nice~!and many ppl like it,so SBS do it to a permanent show~!wahahah~~good good~!then can alwayz see my hongki oppa lioa~!hhaah...and heechul oppa~!reli love this show so much leh`!hahah...hongki oppa,fighting~!!!baxia baxia~!


yIN xIN...=) said...

today cagih u sick o...?
both of us hou long tong & get flu...
nw i cough cough liao....TT

kHai Ling said...

y 2 cagih sick le??
sayang sayang..
muz faster recover ya...
drink more water..
1 hani take care 2 cagih le...