hahahaa~~~holiday~~haiz...a bit boring~~but goin to start all de tution in december ~~haiz...so boring~~reli dont wnt to start so early leh~!but mummy say this last two years is de most important de~~so must studay hard~~~5555`~~im dying lah~!haiz......
anyway~!say something else~~haha~~today me and daddy fight over one tv~~haha~~caz only daddy's room tv got astro mah~!and i wnt to watch yongdae oppa de badminton~~but my daddy wnt to watch golf~!and two of de competition id final~!OMG~!!!we two fight de remote control~!haha~~~but actually i can watch both side de~~caz badminton got my yomgdae oppa and golf that side got rory mcllroy~~haha~~but daddy only like to watch golf~~and when i watch de badminton ~~my dear daddy say:wah~!PARK TAE-HWAN a~!haha~~~my daddy so cute~~i almost faint~~how can tae hwan oppa in de badminton court~~he should be in de swimming pool lah~~caz daddy only know i like tae hwan oppa~~during de plmpic,i talk about tae hwan oppa non stop de~~haha~~anyway~~my yongdae oppa get two champion in one day~OMG~!!so geng a~~~good good~~i cant watch first match caz....haha~~but i got watch a little bit~!OMG~~de ppl talk like goin to die~~~this is first time i watch de match with this voice leh~~de women can talk a few sentences then stop~WOW~!and she think my yongdae oppa so bad a~~!HUH~!!im angry now~!she say:OMG,what happen to korea...and say many thing ~~think that korea is so damn bad and cant win it~!how can she say like that~~~but~~haha~~my korea,my yongdae oppa win it~!and get de first place~!yeah~~!!!so damn happy~~wanna thx omma 4 telling me this~~and then i watch de second match~~double mix final~!WOW~!get to see wo of them again~~~last time olymic i oso watch two of them~!and they get a gold metal in olmpic~!WOW~!even now i feel so excited~~haiz..haha~~still can remember yongdae oppa that winks~!WAAAA~~so shuai`~and when after olmpic they go bacj to korea,he got so many fans becaz he get a gold metal 4 korea and wink at camera~!OMG~!he is so damn cute~~AAA~~that time i already very excited they win it liao~then plus yongdae oppa wink~!OMG~~~i jump until i cant stop a~~daddy and mummy was like......haha~~~ok`~now back to normal~~they get first place again in this competiton~~but then daddy come and watch his golf again~~so hav to watch haf haf here haf haf there~~but still my yongdae oppa win it~!its good that de ppl awayz mention that de olmpic champion~~haha`~good~~korea is de best~~ohya,and their coach ~!so cute oso~~even mummy say oso~~last time at de olmpic~~haha~~his cough reli so damn funny~~with a big big bag~!and when they get mark,he jump jump~!haha~~reli cute~~and after yongdae there all get gold metal~~his coach jump out and hug them~~~reli cute~~and juz now saw him again~~haha~~still de same but not with bag only~~haha~~~and when yongdae oppa win~~he shack his butt~~juz shack lightly~haha~~so cute~!last time wink,then this time shack~~haha~~cute~!!!
and now is golf~~~my rory mcllroy~~haha~~still so young~~he only 19 year old~~but he dint get champion~~but he is in second place~~WOW~!he oso look quite cute de~~and my father dint support him,he support de champion that ppl~~he say mcllroy hav to let de ppl win~!caz....he still young~~daddy said too young to get so many money~~haha~~a cute reason~~anyway~~he dint get it~~haiz....so much miney~!2.5 million leh~~WOW~!so many~~haiz.....actually he can get it de~~even daddy say so~~but de champion more lihai~~then mcllroy too nervous lioa~~dint get in de ball~~haiz...so sad~~nvm lah~!still young~~dont be too dissapointed~~haiz~~
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soo bored..
hani ya^.^
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