Sunday, November 30, 2008

AAAAAAAAAAA~~~My Yongdae oppa win in male double final~!so excited~!but lost in mix double final~~haiz...only get second place~~i reli feel reli down and sad when oppa lost in double mix!!!and that ppl were saying:WOW!china beat the Olmpic champion..haiz...and oppa world ranking is at 3 leh~!and china world ranking is just 7~!555555~~how can yongdae oppa lost to them leh~~haiz...anyway,my yongdae oppa still very great~!and i must say that hyo jung unni reli very geng leh~!reli very lihai~!how to say neh~~she can reli astimate well.....even she stand infront..she still can shout yongdae oppa not to catch that ball caz is out~!WOW~!reli.....and hyo jung unni atless done that two times leh~!haha~~althought they loss lioa~!haiz......and my mum alwayz support opposite from me de~~haiz....alwayz say that yongdae oppa will lost de!huh!he reli lost lioa loh~!haiz.....
anyway...i wait wait wait 4 my yongdae oppa second round competition....and is at last...after mix double is male single..lin dan and chen jin...dunno y leh~~i feel lin dan like playing de..first round chen jin won 21-9....then second round lin dan won 9-21....reli funny hoh>!haha....anyway...then my dad come in and fight with me again...he wnt to watch de golf,lexus open in singapore~!Y everytime like this de a~~everytime i watch badminton then daddy sure wnt to watch other de~!haiz......but i was so lucky~~between that time is female single and female double...when de male double start,daddy already wach finish lioa~! i can watch it without any distrub....haha~~~then my yongdae oppa come out very shuai shuai...haha.....but i feel a little bit terrible at the beggining...caz is vs malaysia...and im a malaysian,but i sure will support korea team de mah...then feel reli i was betray my country,,....but after few minute...haha~~~i already forget im a malaysian...i was shout like hell when korea team get mark!!!and sometime i as over excited even scold malaysia team leh..haha...sry...caz alwayz at de same mark mah~!and first round fight until 25~~wah....reli over excited at that time...already almost win then same mark again...i was like.....anyway first round yongdae oppa win it....but at second round is malaysia team win it...and that ppl im astro kept saying that this is an intresting game and is so excited~!well..i admit that,becaz when i watch first round and third round i tot that i will be in de hospital after this....and third round,korean and malaysia team are reli trying thier best to win this game....and third round is until 22~~wow...oso reli very excited..and that ppl say that whoever that win this game will hav a big expression....and when he juz say that..korean team win it~!waa...and the last ball was like...OMG~!then were just samsh de ball towards other side...reli reli reli very excited..this is de most excited game that i ever seen..i think so...haha...and when korean team win it,they reli hav big expression...two of them lying down at de is my second time watching yongdae oppa so excited...first time is when he get a gold medal in mix double...and that wink..i still cant forget it..ahahahahah~~~and this is de second time...anyway,this game is reli very tired...even i feel very tired...caz i jump jump jump until my mum tak boleh tahan lioa~!haha~~~and when yongdae oppa get de prize..he reli happy o~!even show is stomach muscle..haha~~~shy~~hope that yongdae oppa will be a double champion at the next game~!good luck~~~

1 comment:

huiming a.k.a solitary8ka said...

i don like de commentator!
he annoyed me.
i was so worried when they lost 2 our malaysian team @ 2nd round...
ha~ a bit ... too over until forget our country .
yongdae oppa was so cute when he leaped to catch the shuttles.
watching him
upset over de mistakes,
high 5 wif his sanpei,
making great smashes,
running n jumping at de court,
i almost 4gt i'm malaysian ad.
i was hoping him 2 beat de opponents.
i was so disappointed bout de 2nd round.
n his last pose,
chincha cool!
let's luk 4ward 2 his next games ~