Monday, December 17, 2007

haha...again golden disk award!!!this time is F.T island!!!haha..their per also cooll!!
hongi hairstye and cloth is so cool!!!!!!!!aaaaa...F.T island is da best~
hongi voice is alwayz so powerful!
aiyoyo..jaejin oppa aa....use da hairband again a...nvm,,,still cute cute!
today wuli F.T island black and white a!!!haha..
they get best new artist and popular award...hooray!!!!!wonbin oppa..dont cry!!!i knoe u very happy...but if u cry all pimadona will sad de leh!!!!

haha,,,wanna write bout golden disk award..ohya forgot write bou mkmf award also...nvm..later write!haha..reli like super junior per!!!aaaa~~~reli gd...they divide in to two group...siwon oppa.gyuhyun oppA,sungmin oppa,yesung oppa,kangin oppa in one band...haha..the drum look so small 4 siwon oppa..mybe he is too tall...ahaha!then eunhyuk oppa,donghae oppa,hankyung oppa,shindong oppa,lee teuk oppa!!is dancing group!cool men!my yobo alwayz da best!
then they all sing man in love!!!!aaa...reli luv this song per~~~~~~~~
and super junior get best artist and popular award..haha!
super junior fighing!e.l.f fighing!!!!

jaejiin oppa...happy birthday!!!!!!!!
now u is 16 years old liao!!!

jaejin birthday!!! is jaejin oppa birthday!!!!oppa~~saeing-il chukahamida!!!
now F.T island in thai!!!!!!haha....from korea to thai is how many hour?forget liao!muz be same with super junior time problem ~hahaha...
na chongman chepeso leh!dunno y???haha...
this holiday watch many many video!all about F.T island lah!my sis say my heart already fly to F.T island!haha...nvm lah!
my top three is alwayz first in my heart!!!
super junior
F.T island
battle!! a super k-pop fans~~~
watch honggi oppa happy share company liao!!!cute honggi oppa~~
muz be very hungry hoh?!but atless u win loh!!!!reli funny...and watch treasure island leh!!!and school of rock!school attack,!F.T island in japan!!haha...they all so naughty and funny...yeah!!!chukahaeyo~~~F.T island shewanmueon chenggong!!!haha...chuaka!F.T island goin hav thier own concert loh!!!!!!hooray~~~~~~~~wuli F.T island fighting!!!primadona will alwayz support u all de!!!!!fightiing!!!!!!
ohya..hongi oppa take care leh!muz take care of your throat....very important!!!later cannot sing well liao!reli luv ur voice oh!
F.T island fighing!primadona fighting!

Friday, November 9, 2007

super junior!DOn't dOn repackage!

ahahahahaha.....super junior don'don com out repackage laio!!!got A,B,C type...haiz,have to use money agian!but i like the repackage pic! cool!oppa all look so shuai!but first type of dont don haven buy also leh..stupid malaysia,stupid jbee..why dint hav!ask popular about suju dont don!u know wat they said!!!erm,who is super junior?!!!!ahhh...she dunno leh!NVM.....anyway one day i will get it!hehe..i like c type!got dvd!cool man!


yo yo!!!!!yeah!watch anyband liao!!!!!!!super nice da leh!!!! sis's husband so shuai!junsu oppa yah!muz take care my dear sis leh...~~~~no talk,no play,no love!ohno,if the world become like that...i surely die!music is my life leh!!!play is my hobby...hehe,,,,,if no love,how can i luv my super junior..haha...but is really cool!OMG, i luv it so much!!!!boA looks preety,junsu oppa so shuai!i like tablo rap,so nice..another gal donno who she is,bu look ok.but she hug my jiefu!noway..juz becaz of that my sis talk and talk and talk......junsu oppa,how can u be like taht!my sis heart break liao!!!!!im really like anycall..socool that phone!emmmmmm,i want it!super nice!and i like anycall mv...anyclub,anymotion,anystar,anyband!hehe....but this time hyori unni dint involve oh!nvm,boA unni acts very well!haha..hwaiting!and i like the song!i think anyband got single liao!muz go and buy! anycall very clever hoh!earn money from boA,dong bang shin ki,epik high fans...hehe!jiefu voice is so powerful!boA also..hehe....

anywhere u go,anywhere u go,anywhere u go,i be there!
u can talk ,u can play,u can love!!!
hehe...luv anyband!and boA unni,junsu oppa,tablo oppa..fighting!aza aza fighting!baxia!!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sunday, October 14, 2007 lovest person birthday!!!

Yeah..,my brother birthday!!!AAAA,im so excited now!hehe....still got two more hours to go!!!lets countdown for brother bah!!haha...HAPPY BIRTHDAY OOO!!!!hehe...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i watch the thunder part 2 liao!!!! sad!i cant belive it!!my duizhang(jonghun)dead laio!!!!!5555555555555.....but i not really understand the story leh!!!!jonghun oppa is so super shuai leh!!!luv this mv so much!!!!!

F.T island fighting!!!!! sis tel me one thing!!haiz better not say!!!hehe..hongi oppa luv ur voice so much!!!!!

haha..lond time dint online liao!!!!hehe..yoyo..super junior second album!luv it so much!!!!!!ahhh...all become manman shuai shuai liao ooo!!!!!hehe..anyway my husband and brother always the best!heeh..eyukjae and donghae oppa,saranghaeyo!!!luv their new hairstyle so much!i like sungmin hairstyle!!really!sungmin hairstyle plus sungmin cute face!aaaaaa....kawaiine!i luv the sapphire blue so much!dududu yeah~~yeah~~~dududu..hehe...luv sapphire blue so much!!!i want to buy their album!but stupid slow malaysia haven sell yet!so sad!!!!5555555.....ohya!henry!!!!henry fighting!!!!!super junior already take ur out in their mv liao!!!!im sure u will be famous!fighting!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

f.T islanD

five treasure island~~~~~~~this few week also alwayz watch their vedio!!!!hehe...MTv sunny side and treasure island!!...AHh...our minhwan oppa scare to cycle the motor ooo!!! cute!and jaejin oppa teach chonghun oppa how to speak !erm...this is ~~~~~....HAHAHAAH so funny!!F.T island fighting!u all will get 100000 ppl in the cafe!i will go and support u all!!!figthing!and muz have ur own concert!!!and,,,,muz come malaysia!aza aza fighting!!!!!!baxia!!!!!

haha......Finally can sign in with my pc liao!!!so happy!got many things wanna write!but suddenly my brain become blank liao!!!!really dunno wat to write liao!!!!!JUz suddenly very like Battle!!haha...ahh..malhae!!!hehe..juz finish the wat stupid exam...So happy now!!!last holiday watch alot Battle video!!!ahahah....taewha can dance welll!!!hehe..and hwichan is so cute!!!hwichan aaa~~~~~OMg..and their lovely house is so untidy!!!haha..and taehwa like to sleep!!!hehe...and the hamster cute~~~~and feel like taehwa is juz exackly like lee teuk!!!like to shake the hair!!haha....And i watch the schoool of rock!!!!taehwa kiss the girl!!!ahh....haha....anyway,if here got school of rock is so good!!haiz..i want suju oppa come!!!lalalala....

Sunday, August 12, 2007

FT island

haha...ft island is so shuai!!!!!ft island is boy instucment band.....they are 5 ppl...wonbin,jeajin,minhwan,hongi,jnghun..haha...they all are so shuai........why they called ft island neh???haha...becaz they are five ppl,so is f,and t is became ft island liao loh!!!
love them so much!!!but still suju is the best...i juz love jaejin and jonghun and wonbin only....haha....they all are so young....the oldest is 18 years old only...the yonger is 16..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh,so young,,,,hehe,,,sorry got some mental problem liao.y got so many a ah?!!hehe...Ft island...figthing!!!aza aza fighting!!!!baxia!!!!!

tRip to tHaiLanD back....last saturday i went thailand to happy...actually is not really want to go pray,i juz want to go shopping....thailand got so many korea thing!i buy many cd...becaz the cd is so cheap!!!!juz 28 something..if here is 60 something liao loh!!!i buy battle and the grace haengbok...hehe..and i bought sj U taiwan version.....oh ya,i also bought a super junior 15 happy!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

ohya...still got one more things...haha...zhan zhan zhan!!i buy sj-t liao leh!!!!i use my own money leh!but not clever than my sis lah!!!all tvxq cd she use is own money...wahse...she is so rich ooo!!!!anyway..i am so excited..but tats is last month thigs...haha,,,i also bught K.R.Y ost ...gyuhyun oppa,yehsung oppa..i love your voice ooo...gyuhyun oppa comin back already!!!!good news.this is a good gift than other thing..i mean for e.l.f....haha..gyuhyun oppa welcom back...can hear your voice again liao!

i want to watch the sj movie leh!!!this is sm first movie ooo!!!!!the story its so interesting!!!ahh....i cant wait anymore liao!!!!when will come out oh?!!!!cant wait anymore liao lah!!!

《花美男恐怖袭击事件》剧情简介2月14日第一起恐怖事件后,每月14日就会发生针对最有魅力的花美男的恐怖事件,跟踪调查该事件的基范(金基范饰)在博客上把这件事公布于天下,于是花美男恐怖事件一时间成为人们最津津乐道的话题。比起追查犯人是谁,人们的眼球更集中在受害人身上,他们被公认为花美男,成了明星人物。  下一个恐怖对象已锁定一所高中,该校中的花美男三人帮——学生会长始源(崔始源饰)、柔道部主力强仁(强仁饰)、校内舞蹈俱乐部负责人希澈(金希澈饰)为了捍卫自尊,各显神通要成为下一个恐怖事件中的被袭对象……(taken from sjbluecn.ifensi)

2007 summer sm town..

haha...2007 summer sm town now comin back!!! excited!!!oh yo..oh town cool back again...haha...the cd is so cool!!haha...i feel like want to swim in that water!!!haha///sj song is so cool haeng bok....emmm....oppa i want free hug!!!i very jeolous leh!!why korea E.L.F got free hug!!!!!!!!i want!!!ahh....ling ee cool down......emm,ok..the mv is so happy!!!!!sungmin oppa is so cute!
ahh...hyukjae oppa is so cool!!!!saranghaeyo!!!!sm is the best!!!!oppa...i want to be E.L.F 4ever.....
oh ya..teuk oppa saeing chukahamida..


actually long time know got this band already...but no time to go and check it out!!!oh my gosh..i like their song@-@...its is so nice...anyway i think so!!!!battle is choosen by shinwha!!!! is not so bad lah!!!its not very shuai and its not very ungry!!!haha...the first single is crash..i love that icarus that song....i love taewha and chris...i mean now...becaz not very know them now..but i will be hard!!!fighting!!!!!!
haha..long time dint write blog liao!!!busy many things want to write but dunno have to write from where...too many things liao!write from the open day bah!!!every time talk about open day,i will be very dare teachers said i am not serious!!!!!!i am serious then enought...ok!!!wat the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and then juz becaz like that my mum said i dint concentred in lesson!!!i gonna crazy liao lah!!!and teacher said my gang is too noisy,not serious!!!wat!!atless my gang tan lee min get nom 1 leh!chong yuen xin get nom 2 leh!!!!how dare u said like that!i'm angry liao lah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

ayumi hamasaki

i buy ayumi hamasaki best2 white!!!haha....not bad..she is so preety...athought she got plastic surgery....haha...her voice is so good....i dint buy black becaz i got the song liao!!!

[CD] evolution
[CD] Greatful days
[CD] independent
[CD] Humming 7/4
[CD] Real me
[CD] my name's WOMEN
[CD] ourselves
[CD] STEP you
[CD] July 1st
[CD] fairyland
[CD] Voyage
[CD] Moments
[CD] A Song is born
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] evolution
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] Greatful days
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] Humming 7/4
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] UNITE! (promotional clip)
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] Real me
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] my name's WOMEN
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] ourselves
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] INSPIRE
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] STEP you
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] fairyland
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] Voyage
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] Moments
[DVD1 / Best Clips White] H (TV-CM)
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] Not yet
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] ourselves
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] Fly high
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] Beautiful Fighters
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] NEVER EVER
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] A Song for XX
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] No way to say
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] Free & Easy
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] evolution
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] flower garden
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] until that Day...
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] AUDIENCE
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] Boys & Girls
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] (encore) Trauma
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] (encore) independent
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] (encore) Humming 7/4
[DVD2 / ayumi hamasaki BEST of COUNTDOWN LIVE 2006-2007] (encore) BLUE BIRD

and got the so coundown!!!!!is so good...chanangda!!!!!!and is only 40 something only leh!!!!so cheap...i mean compare to boA,dong bang shin ki,rain,super very cheap!!!haha....

dAVid bECkhAm is BACK

haha!!!david beckham is back!!!long time dint watch beckham kick ball liao!haiz...miss him so much leh!!!last year world cup maybe is his last change!!!!!hai...but i feel very happy 1st of june beckham come back to kick for england!!!!...england vs brazil!!!!1:1......haha!Atless not lost!!and beckham help...hekick to terry and he kick it in!!!!haha....beckham u are the best....anyway,after beckham is change with other ppl...brazil goal!!!!!hiaz..

Next,england vs dunno wat country...forgot liao!!!haha..3:0.....hooray england win!!!!yeah.....england u are the nation ,one trophy,eleven lions!!!!!haha....first goal is j cole,i think so..i forgot liao,second is croch!!!haha,and beckham help him,last goal is owen....also beckham help him!!!!long time dint see owen goal already.....micheal owen is back again...

Ah ha!remind me one thing!!!last fifa world cup!!!england lost becaz of the stupid portugal!!!!!!!!hate them can it be...england player are so gentlemen but pportugal player is so rude!!!the ronaldo loh....let rooney get a red card...the judge was blind liao...rooney dint have any wrong !!!is that stupid ronaldo....beckham even cry....5555555555!!!!!i feel so sad again...that nite i cry!!!and next day morning got eye is so red!!!!!!55555.......last nite i read my favourite about england in world cup...two is 2002 and 2006!!!!i cut it from the newspaper leh...u see i am a super england them forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!england next world cup must get champion ooo...althought dint have beckham....haiz.....still got gerard and lampard...haha!!!

cAMpuS SupER STar grandmother's house watch the first campus superstar!!!haha...their voice not bad!!!!not like voice is so terrible!!haha!!!!!i support keely and Shawn 卓轩正!!!!shawn is smaller than me!OMG,but his voice is so all the male,he is the best...haha..and he is so cute!he is like a little kid...let me this sis support u bah!!!!haha
and keely is a sweet girl!!her voice is not bad!!!!all the best oo!!!!FIGHTING@-@ xian..monday open school liao!so fast.haiz!!!!this whole holiday i e at my grandmother house!!!!!is even more Xian!but ok lah..atless got my cousin son-little xueqian..haha..he grow so fast!unbeliveable.haha.last time i saw him.he juz wanna walk..but this time he can walk already...and now learning to talk..he always say tie tie(actualy is jie jie)but that is his langugage..he is so cute!!!and his voice is so sweet!!!!tie tie here,tie tie there!!!so funny...but dunno why he always fall down..OMG,it is so scary...he always run,i will feel so nervous!!!becaz he run is not so steady,and always fall down.EXP:yesterday he fall down three time!mother god mary...And is always knock the same part of the head.....poor xueqian!his head is like a golden fish....haha,so funny.
other then that,i also went to peiyun jie jie's shop!a vegeterian restaurant!!!guozhong's food is simply out of the world!!!!so yummy!!!!i went to help only...but actually not realy help,juz wash the cup!!!haha..not more than 10 cup..haha!and then last nite go red box sang song!!!with peiyun,lingsien,guozhong..haha..i am very angry leh!the stupid red box loh.the room is so small if daddy came sure angry!!!!haha....another thing is red box got U and timeless!in the end got problem...wat a stupid red box!!!!!!

i want to watch fantastic four leh!!!and a robot movie....i want to watch...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like the fire!haha...not very familiar with this movie!the first fntastic four i wash on the plant....actually some isi i forgot alreay!anyway i want to watch!!!!and the 200 pound beauty!!!also haven watch!but so all in after school holiday!!!!haiz....poor lingee me!!!!

the best movie!!!!

haha...wanna talk about the pirates of the caribbean again!!!!kia kia.....last friend-elaine said after the word comes out still got more!!!!omg....i cant belived it!!!why they dint inform us leh!!!so bad.haiz...but i think also got many ppl dint watch it,becaz everybody go home liao!no one will wait until the word finish!?haha/////but nvm,elaine tell me wat happen next!elizabert pregnant!!!!OMG...haha...will sure be very happy!but only can 10 years go to the land one time....!!!!! sad@-@*.i wanna know why elizabert cant follow will!wat a stupid law!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

exam finaly over liao...

Exam finally over liao!!! happy...and holiday comming..hoorey!!!!my damn stupid pc cannot open my sad,this is my mum pc,haiz..long time dint write blog loh!!!got many things happen but cannot write in now i write brithday long time pass kia,mu mum gave me a cutte bear bear...haha,love it so much!!!and at the last holiday,i made alot of kuih poor hand was hurt,the stupid fire loh!!and the poor sper junior met accident.ayway it happen in april.....gyhyun oppa,ehyunyuk oppa,lee teuk oppa,and shindongoppa was hurt...gyuhyun oppa is very serious,he even in icu.oh my god!!!!i felt very sad leh!!!!byt now there all okay liao...gyuhyun oppa will not living in the hospital anymore in july....haha....

the pirate and the caribbean at the world end

last friday nite....go watch pirates of caribbean already!!!!oh gosh...the end is so sad....55555!!!why will only can go land after 10 years!!!!!so sad.....poor elizabert....i watched again the curse of the black pearl and dead men it so many time liao!!!!!but not xian leh...orlando bloom so cool....haha.but like him more in the lord of the ring,kia kia....haha.....acyually this pirates and the carribean3 is not so bad lah..i wonder yyy my father watched and commanded it this movie got so many funny funny!!!!i will watch it again....

Friday, March 9, 2007

At the last suturday I knoe a new korean boy new band!!!

OMG….there are so young…haha.and very SHUAi!!!the name is


There are 6 people…actually is 4 but add in two more ppl…
Yume,Kevin,marumir,hyesung,jinhyun,poppin dragon.
There chu dao at 12-12-2006….and the latest cd is 14-12-06
The song in the cd is

1)In Your Hands (Kevin version.)



4)In Your Hands

5)Tell Me

their song is so good..there have nice voice…

Friday, February 23, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

this super junior t new song and is Rokkuguhthis mv is so funny.....hahahahaha...
there are 6 people in super junior t..
lee teuk,kangin,eunhyuk,shindong,sungmin,heechul..

today i feel like so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!becaz here dint have boA...made in twenty!!!!i wan cry already sad...i want buy it,,,MUST!!!!!haiz..only can go Singapore and buy liao….haiz…
~Tracklist~01. Shine We Are!02. DOUBLE03. Rock With You04. Be the one05. QUINCY06. Merry Chri07. DO THE MOTION08. make a secret09. Dakishimeru10. Everlasting11. Nanairo No Ashita~brand new beat~12. KEY OF HEART13. Winter Love