Monday, May 28, 2007

the pirate and the caribbean at the world end

last friday nite....go watch pirates of caribbean already!!!!oh gosh...the end is so sad....55555!!!why will only can go land after 10 years!!!!!so sad.....poor elizabert....i watched again the curse of the black pearl and dead men it so many time liao!!!!!but not xian leh...orlando bloom so cool....haha.but like him more in the lord of the ring,kia kia....haha.....acyually this pirates and the carribean3 is not so bad lah..i wonder yyy my father watched and commanded it this movie got so many funny funny!!!!i will watch it again....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm khai ling..
i watch it three times alredi loh
stil wana watch again....