Saturday, July 7, 2007

2007 summer sm town..

haha...2007 summer sm town now comin back!!! excited!!!oh yo..oh town cool back again...haha...the cd is so cool!!haha...i feel like want to swim in that water!!!haha///sj song is so cool haeng bok....emmm....oppa i want free hug!!!i very jeolous leh!!why korea E.L.F got free hug!!!!!!!!i want!!!ahh....ling ee cool down......emm,ok..the mv is so happy!!!!!sungmin oppa is so cute!
ahh...hyukjae oppa is so cool!!!!saranghaeyo!!!!sm is the best!!!!oppa...i want to be E.L.F 4ever.....
oh ya..teuk oppa saeing chukahamida..

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