Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wow Wow ! time flies. I'm going back to KL this coming sunday! so fast.
I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with my family. i wondered why time always pass by so fast whever i enjoyed the most! And it pass by super slow when i'm suffering!I don't want to go back. But i know is impossible. i have to go back and finish my studies. This is my responsible.

hooooo.... Second semester is coming. I have no idea whether i did well for the first semester or not? but i know i did my best. whatever its turn out to be , i already tried my best. If it turns out not good, thats mean i'm stupid. but i hope everything will be fine!

I've been studying everyday! this is my first time that i studied like hell. Is like there is no time for you to play. got back home, did some housework ,eat than study... study and study. Is like all the things that i did there is just studying.

So i hope everything will turn out good! god bless :)

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