Saturday, October 10, 2009

yea~~last thursday i had my most wonderful morining in jotic~!
reli enjoy it very much~
at first i tot will be bored~!but then it was totally opposite of it~
i cant help myself to stop laughing~i reli have a good laugh~!
u all know wat?i felt like i am so sily~when i go back home, then recall wat he said, i will laughing there by myself~!so funny~my mum tot i am insane or something~
but is reli funny~i think this is the best seminar that i ever attend!
i still playing that yi pi yai yai ,yi pi yi pi yai yai so fun~haha......
i can still remember those 30 useful for me~but so sad.......that 30 words no use...if sejarah then~~haha...........they said danny should be our sejarah teacher~i cant imagine wat will happen during his class~~i think ho`our sejarah will get 100 loh~!hehe~
reli thx for danny o`~ny ny~~hahaha............

yeah~~~my dad take part in golf competiton`good luck to him o~!
my dad long time dint take part liao...last year he get thrid prize...then had a plasma tv.....
but no place to put...haiz.....
daddy, aim for hole in one a!!!then got a car...wahahhahaa...then when i grown up, that car is mine de....joking~~anyway....go go go ~~~daddy love you`!waiting for ur good news~~~

today morning, attended my chemistry tution assual.......
but one thing is different~~~we have so much fun today`ahah.....
dunno y teacher so funny today`~~when he talk about swimming, he cant control laughing....then whole calss also laugh with him...... he take such a long time to control his cute~~~

thx for the PMR student~~i feel bad for them also...when they are struggling in the examination hall,then we all havin such a long holiday~~i never know that when last year we sitting for PMR,then they all havin their holiday`THX God i dunno~!i dont think i will be concentrating~~~~tmr havin our last holiday`~~use it wisely o`haha..


kHai Ling said...

im da 1st 2 view tiz post..
when go home i kip learn the yi pi yai yai....
nw finally ok edy....
1st time i laugh so many hours continuously..
is a good massage...

yIN xIN...=) said...

totally agree wit u leh cagih~
da 30 words still can rmb^^
if he is our sej tcher ~
i tell u all of us will get
super good result~

amterfear said...

actually i love to sing that song too..==
sing it when in a happy mood~~
sry for late reply..>.<
nowadyas quite busy..>.<
ok la~~
gambate for exams yer~~