Saturday, October 10, 2009

yea~~last thursday i had my most wonderful morining in jotic~!
reli enjoy it very much~
at first i tot will be bored~!but then it was totally opposite of it~
i cant help myself to stop laughing~i reli have a good laugh~!
u all know wat?i felt like i am so sily~when i go back home, then recall wat he said, i will laughing there by myself~!so funny~my mum tot i am insane or something~
but is reli funny~i think this is the best seminar that i ever attend!
i still playing that yi pi yai yai ,yi pi yi pi yai yai so fun~haha......
i can still remember those 30 useful for me~but so sad.......that 30 words no use...if sejarah then~~haha...........they said danny should be our sejarah teacher~i cant imagine wat will happen during his class~~i think ho`our sejarah will get 100 loh~!hehe~
reli thx for danny o`~ny ny~~hahaha............

yeah~~~my dad take part in golf competiton`good luck to him o~!
my dad long time dint take part liao...last year he get thrid prize...then had a plasma tv.....
but no place to put...haiz.....
daddy, aim for hole in one a!!!then got a car...wahahhahaa...then when i grown up, that car is mine de....joking~~anyway....go go go ~~~daddy love you`!waiting for ur good news~~~

today morning, attended my chemistry tution assual.......
but one thing is different~~~we have so much fun today`ahah.....
dunno y teacher so funny today`~~when he talk about swimming, he cant control laughing....then whole calss also laugh with him...... he take such a long time to control his cute~~~

thx for the PMR student~~i feel bad for them also...when they are struggling in the examination hall,then we all havin such a long holiday~~i never know that when last year we sitting for PMR,then they all havin their holiday`THX God i dunno~!i dont think i will be concentrating~~~~tmr havin our last holiday`~~use it wisely o`haha..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

wahahahah~~that holiday trip update next time~~
now got something else need to write...wahhohoho

erm.........haiz...exam comin..left three weeks times!Oh Gosh!@
i dint even touch my book yet!!die.......and my mum dont let me play computer.!
yesterday,i just open my pc then my mum ask me to stop playing anymore~!
WTH~!i just open it leh...then ask me to stop playing........
i hate ppl force me to study!i like to study according to my feeling...when i dont feel like it,just dont bother at all......haiz,,,,,,,EXAM COMING!

wednesday....i have a very very unforgettable experience!
i felt the earthquake~!
venue: In my brother's room(Third Floor)
time: Around 6 something
activiti: Doin my chemistry peka report
(more detail is im drawing the beaker)
i was so so so concentrating drawing my beaker....this peka mean so much to me~!
then when i put my head down, i felt so dizzy~~is like someone is shaking my chair...then i look behind, nothing~!
i put my head down again....i still felt it~!
i tot my 贫血 become so serious...just put my head down then feel dizzy~~
the whole process is like not even one minute?!i think........
i knew that when my dad told me that there was a earthquake in indonesia....
then only i realise that!
erm...nice feeling...wahahhahaha

yeah~!finally watch it~!
wahahhahaha...need to thx to Xin Yin~!love u me to buy de DVD~!
quite nice............but then im sure that my dad wont watch it~!some scene is kinda of fake.....
i think the day after tmr is is is reli zzang~!is like so real to me.....
but haeundae also not bad lah.......
the opening of the movie is quite fun...but dunno y i feel kinda of bored also`
i laugh almost everytime in min ki part~!
he is so so so cute....wahahhaha......last time i watch him in a korea drama...he is cle hair..haha..
i prefer haeundae's hair......
hate the endind~!!
the stupid bad guy~!the bad guy should die mah~!
why min ki have to sacrifice his life~~Dont Wnt lah~!
haiyo,if other ppl die nvm de...wahahhaha..
reli~!i just hope that minki and his galfriend wont die~
i watch it at 1 am....then i cry like...........
in the next morning,i cant open my eye` funny`~~

Jogathon ....Jogathon`~
i got RM 510`!
hooray~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i done my job~!
thx to my dad~!
luckily friday nite my dad havin their company mooncake festival dinner~!
yea.......i ask all his stuff......
and they tell me a reli good plan~!
just said:
wahahhahahahahahha...then nobody dont dare to give me liao~!
and many ppl give 50 dollar leh~!wahhahaha...
thx alot~!thx to uncle low~!
he ask all his stuff that under him to donate~!wahaha...
and one guy said,he is so shock when the director ask him to come..tot got
something happen...but actually is to donate money~!
yeah`~~finally can see zhi jun again`~long time dint see him~!
so cute.....he still like old time~so shuai~!
but his teeth haven grown leh~haha...still bo geh`~hehe
still very cute..his mouth is like daniel him so much~!
and my brother meet his senior~!
actually he saw him everytime.,,...but then that time bro is not in SDJ mah~!
then now is lioa...then he is my bro senior loh~!hahahaa....
uncle low's son...same age with me,....see him every function...not reli talk..haha.....
he is too qiuet lioa lah~and is a genious~wahhahahaha.......

SDJ SDJ...i heard that sdj have many accident brother told me that~
he said a student is stuck in the fence~
OMG~!and the blood is flowing everywhere~~
i can imagine that anyway........

ps:i wish i can be more rajin,and study 4 my exam,.,....
love u all~~~~~