Saturday, August 8, 2009

7 August 2009

-wahahahaha.....i bet all of the convent girl know what this day means to us...ITs our parents days...actually it should be held on 26 of june.I think?!And u all knoe the whatever thingy...haha..anyway is i causes the parents day to be postpone until much power did ling ee have.wahohoho....and last time havin tution over pn emilda's house.and pn emilda told lynn that we are still gonna have our parents day..since havin parents day once in a year is our convent we should not miss it.this is wat pn emilda said it!and yilynn immediately turn her funny.and i am laughing there.caz you all know wats the reason im laughing..and pn emilda also laught at me.and keep saying because of me...everybody!i can make things change,...wahahha....
anyway,back to the topic.actually i wanna write about the parents day de...dunno y suddenly flew so far away lioa....comeback..haha....i absent class at thursday...sick again..actually is not again still not recover yet...the cough!argh!ahah.....anyway.....i havin allergic that day also..that is so bloody hell itchy woke up at thursday dawn.and felt my leg is so damn itchy.and i was scolding the stupid mosquito!and when i woke up at 5.30...and put on the sch uni..only i realise my leg and hand had red red spot..wahhaha.....allergic...haiz....
y am i taliking so much nonsense today.....i kept writting something else but my topic..haiz..
anway....friday we dint have anyclass....bored in all the way....and cant stop gazed out the window to watch the scenery that the parents walked in....actually i wnt to see my mum...called her many answer....expected....i reli dunno wat is hp mean for her....whenever she is in the public,she cant hear her sad....i miss call her four times....first two used ee ling's hp...and last two used xin yin's hp...thx you so much..anyway,,,,,,called but no use at all...and is recess time....actually dont wnt to go down.,...eventhought i go down,,i will not eat anything,......anyway,everybody went i just follow them down...and guess wat i mum!!!hooray!i am so happy!i dint espect to see my mum, i ran in to the dewan....
but my mum is sitiing infront 4 pa 1 ....wahah...i tot my mum dunno where i study,,,but when i walk forward...ohhhh... i mum havin a good chat with pn i just said there and listen to thier funny they two......anway,,,,old friend mah!then after chatting with pn cool then is pn mj oso......then dunno how long .....times flies....i went back to mum just turn away like that,,without saying anywords,,....and goodbye.....then just go back like that?!OMG!i shout at my mum....infront dewan...ahahah.....i dont care....hehe.....then my mum said she is running out of time...ok...thats truth., mum been so busy since my maid has gone....cant blame her...haiz...

then i went back home and curious about the conversation between my mum and teacher....
the conversation is quite fun...i should be there....i shoulg go down earlier...i miss one fascinating show...haha.....teacher dint say anthing bad of me...she said im happy......

goin to update my blog next time with my trip to sunway is too late lioa...tmr morning havin chem tution...have to sleep early......haha.....

ps:i felt as curious as cagih does.... u know wat im tallking about.......... nite.....
LOVE U ALL.....!~!

1 comment:

yIN xIN...=) said...

that 2 words u delete so funny lo...
cause when I read at 1st,it is stil there...
after u told me at msn~
then i refresh da pg and da 2 words gone...><