Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
wow!!!i update my blog on monday!!cool gal...haha....
first time.....usually is on friday and weekend,caz only that time i am allowed to touch my darling computer...now i am oso not using my pc but my mum's one...chatting with my sis....so come and update oso!wahhaah
today have no homework!!first time felt so relax....i watch movie!!
just bought it today...hannah montanah...i know its too late to watch this....whatever....but is quite nice...reli...
i also like hannah montanah and miley cyrus's song...love it!!!!
and i usually watch hannah montanah drama series in disney channel also....but i prefer movie ver......it is more like a story......
i watch it the whole afternoon...and everyone!!!i have something to annouce...i dint sleep today!!!wahahha......cagih a....did u have a shock..cause in school still wonder i wnt to get a nap or not...ahaha...i want to give that time 4 my movie mah!cant wait to watch....and everyone comment to this movie is quite good,,,,and i heard that the guy is cute.....
gaga.....kinda if cute actually...love his smile.......
ohya....and tyra bank and taylor swift is in the movie!
Travis said :Life is like a climb,but the view is beautiful.Its true~~
love the song The climb...a reli nice song!
first time.....usually is on friday and weekend,caz only that time i am allowed to touch my darling computer...now i am oso not using my pc but my mum's one...chatting with my sis....so come and update oso!wahhaah
today have no homework!!first time felt so relax....i watch movie!!
just bought it today...hannah montanah...i know its too late to watch this....whatever....but is quite nice...reli...
i also like hannah montanah and miley cyrus's song...love it!!!!
and i usually watch hannah montanah drama series in disney channel also....but i prefer movie ver......it is more like a story......
i watch it the whole afternoon...and everyone!!!i have something to annouce...i dint sleep today!!!wahahha......cagih a....did u have a shock..cause in school still wonder i wnt to get a nap or not...ahaha...i want to give that time 4 my movie mah!cant wait to watch....and everyone comment to this movie is quite good,,,,and i heard that the guy is cute.....
gaga.....kinda if cute actually...love his smile.......
ohya....and tyra bank and taylor swift is in the movie!
Travis said :Life is like a climb,but the view is beautiful.Its true~~
love the song The climb...a reli nice song!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
zzzzzzzzzzz........just woke up from my nap....haha....sleep whole afternoon.the stupid damn cough medicine loh!make me feel so dizzy.haiz....so sad....still haven finish my homework....They are still waiting 4 me.haiz.....
anyway...goin to write something about our sunway college trip.Before i forgot everything.haha..
first of all...i dint sign up myself.is my dear friend help me to write name.you see..i was not in school again.i wonder how many day i been absent.lazy to count.reli..i oso not reli sure about that.Then is khai ling phone me and told me about this trip.thx to all my friend to help me sign up o.but then i gramble when i woke up in the saturday morning.Dont wish to wake up at all...i snooze my handphone almost 4 times..i think?haha...but then still have to wake up.decide not to go when i go through my wake up prosess..haha....but feel sorry.so you all see me there..haha..happy?
I arrrive at school at 6.50 something..i think?haha......not many ppl at there...but i saw someone red in colour.ooooooooo.....its principal.....she called me and no choice have to go there and greet her.haha...actually is havin temperature test.lucikly i dint have fever anymore.And then we wait there for almost 1 hour....cause when we are in bus the time is 8 something....and me and jia yun laught at ee ling there all caz waiting at the sunway college and we dint even bertolak..ahahaha...poor thing...but we also very poor thing,we wait at school 4 long time....anyway,we are both poor thing.
dunno how long....quite fast....we arrived at sunway college....haha....i wave at ee ling there all....
haha.....funny conversation with yin xin...
In bus.we are preparing to go down.
yinxin:ling ee, i let u out first.
lingee:nvm lah,u go first.
yinxin:later nobody let u out then u knoe a....
then i quickly go out from my place.....
haha....dunno why find this is so funny...haha....reli....
then after get down from bus ,ee ling there all line up two side and have a 'red carpet' for me..haha....wow!thx oh!hehe.......playful.....
anyway,my first impression for sunway college is not reli good.it seem not reli very...i dunno how say.its look like still under constrution?and we walk all the way up....(althought is not reli high)....fatty ling ee feel very tired de leh!haha.......and the way to the mph...i felt like we are in the parking lot...thats how me and lee min feel....cause we both say it out at the same time...haha..dont like this kind of feeling......
we are divided into group..8 person per group.......
lee min,yin xin,ee ling,mei wei,khai ling,xin yin,jia yun and me!
anyway,they wnt us to sing infront of all the student.oh my god!haha...luckily they dint choose us...we decided to sing love story by tayor swift.......actually teardrops on my guitar also not bad leh.haha......indeed,we have a whale of time.....After that,we sing heal the world......so high!
food food...not nice,,,,,,lee min got a uncook chicken....so sad!she left the chicken behind cause she like chicken...but then..........haha......
i want nobody bobody but you.....actually im thinking of this is the one we learn that day....haha...
i wonder if my brother at there, how will he feel...he hate wonder girls like hell....haha...i also not reli like them..dunno y...anyway,still havin so much fun,...y nobody become so famous leh!!shiroyo~~@@!!!
we have harry potter quiz........i dint answer any of the question....dint dare to answer,,,another reason is every answer i sure will forget one de!haiz.....haha.......cunning slytherine....did u all knoe that actually i kinda love draco malfoy...haha...tom felton...yea....anyway,i know u all will boo me.....like mei wei , lee min , wei shan did....actaully not reli boo me lah..its just like....a?
dint take many picture,,now only i wonder why i dint take any of the event picture...haiz...
The Aim for this trip is......................
anyway...goin to write something about our sunway college trip.Before i forgot everything.haha..
first of all...i dint sign up myself.is my dear friend help me to write name.you see..i was not in school again.i wonder how many day i been absent.lazy to count.reli..i oso not reli sure about that.Then is khai ling phone me and told me about this trip.thx to all my friend to help me sign up o.but then i gramble when i woke up in the saturday morning.Dont wish to wake up at all...i snooze my handphone almost 4 times..i think?haha...but then still have to wake up.decide not to go when i go through my wake up prosess..haha....but feel sorry.so you all see me there..haha..happy?
I arrrive at school at 6.50 something..i think?haha......not many ppl at there...but i saw someone red in colour.ooooooooo.....its principal.....she called me and no choice have to go there and greet her.haha...actually is havin temperature test.lucikly i dint have fever anymore.And then we wait there for almost 1 hour....cause when we are in bus the time is 8 something....and me and jia yun laught at ee ling there all caz waiting at the sunway college and we dint even bertolak..ahahaha...poor thing...but we also very poor thing,we wait at school 4 long time....anyway,we are both poor thing.
dunno how long....quite fast....we arrived at sunway college....haha....i wave at ee ling there all....
haha.....funny conversation with yin xin...
In bus.we are preparing to go down.
yinxin:ling ee, i let u out first.
lingee:nvm lah,u go first.
yinxin:later nobody let u out then u knoe a....
then i quickly go out from my place.....
haha....dunno why find this is so funny...haha....reli....
then after get down from bus ,ee ling there all line up two side and have a 'red carpet' for me..haha....wow!thx oh!hehe.......playful.....
anyway,my first impression for sunway college is not reli good.it seem not reli very...i dunno how say.its look like still under constrution?and we walk all the way up....(althought is not reli high)....fatty ling ee feel very tired de leh!haha.......and the way to the mph...i felt like we are in the parking lot...thats how me and lee min feel....cause we both say it out at the same time...haha..dont like this kind of feeling......
we are divided into group..8 person per group.......
lee min,yin xin,ee ling,mei wei,khai ling,xin yin,jia yun and me!
anyway,they wnt us to sing infront of all the student.oh my god!haha...luckily they dint choose us...we decided to sing love story by tayor swift.......actually teardrops on my guitar also not bad leh.haha......indeed,we have a whale of time.....After that,we sing heal the world......so high!
food food...not nice,,,,,,lee min got a uncook chicken....so sad!she left the chicken behind cause she like chicken...but then..........haha......
i want nobody bobody but you.....actually im thinking of this is the one we learn that day....haha...
i wonder if my brother at there, how will he feel...he hate wonder girls like hell....haha...i also not reli like them..dunno y...anyway,still havin so much fun,...y nobody become so famous leh!!shiroyo~~@@!!!
we have harry potter quiz........i dint answer any of the question....dint dare to answer,,,another reason is every answer i sure will forget one de!haiz.....haha.......cunning slytherine....did u all knoe that actually i kinda love draco malfoy...haha...tom felton...yea....anyway,i know u all will boo me.....like mei wei , lee min , wei shan did....actaully not reli boo me lah..its just like....a?
dint take many picture,,now only i wonder why i dint take any of the event picture...haiz...
The Aim for this trip is......................
Saturday, August 8, 2009
7 August 2009
-wahahahaha.....i bet all of the convent girl know what this day means to us...ITs our parents days...actually it should be held on 26 of june.I think?!And u all knoe the whatever thingy...haha..anyway is i causes the parents day to be postpone until yesterday...you see..how much power did ling ee have.wahohoho....and last time havin tution over pn emilda's house.and pn emilda told lynn that we are still gonna have our parents day..since havin parents day once in a year is our convent culture.so we should not miss it.this is wat pn emilda said it!and yilynn immediately turn her mood...so funny.and i am laughing there.caz you all know wats the reason im laughing..and pn emilda also laught at me.and keep saying because of me...everybody!i can make things change,...wahahha....
anyway,back to the topic.actually i wanna write about the parents day de...dunno y suddenly flew so far away lioa....comeback..haha....i absent class at thursday...sick again..actually is not again lah.im still not recover yet...the cough!argh!ahah.....anyway.....i havin allergic that day also..that is so bloody hell itchy woke up at thursday dawn.and felt my leg is so damn itchy.and i was scolding the stupid mosquito!and when i woke up at 5.30...and put on the sch uni..only i realise my leg and hand had red red spot..wahhaha.....allergic...haiz....
y am i taliking so much nonsense today.....i kept writting something else but my topic..haiz..
anway....friday we dint have anyclass....bored in school...talk all the way....and cant stop gazed out the window to watch the scenery that the parents walked in....actually i wnt to see my mum...called her many times.....no answer....expected....i reli dunno wat is hp mean for her....whenever she is in the public,she cant hear her hp..so sad....i miss call her four times....first two used ee ling's hp...and last two used xin yin's hp...thx you so much..anyway,,,,,,called but no use at all...and is recess time....actually dont wnt to go down.,...eventhought i go down,,i will not eat anything,......anyway,everybody went down..so i just follow them down...and guess wat i see...my mum!!!hooray!i am so happy!i dint espect to see my mum,.....so i ran in to the dewan....
but my mum is sitiing infront 4 pa 1 ....wahah...i tot my mum dunno where i study,,,but when i walk forward...ohhhh... i see......my mum havin a good chat with pn cool....so i just said there and listen to thier conversation....so funny they two......anway,,,,old friend mah!then after chatting with pn cool then is pn mj lioa...wow.....haha....wait oso......then dunno how long .....times flies....i went back to class......my mum just turn away like that,,without saying anywords,,....and goodbye.....then just go back like that?!OMG!i shout at my mum....infront dewan...ahahah.....i dont care....hehe.....then my mum said she is running out of time...ok...thats truth.,...my mum been so busy since my maid has gone....cant blame her...haiz...
then i went back home and curious about the conversation between my mum and teacher....
the conversation is quite fun...i should be there....i shoulg go down earlier...i miss one fascinating show...haha.....teacher dint say anthing bad of me...she said im good..ahahahh...so happy......
goin to update my blog next time with my trip to sunway college.....now is too late lioa...tmr morning havin chem tution...have to sleep early......haha.....
ps:i felt as curious as cagih does.... u know wat im tallking about..........
hahah............................................gd nite.....
LOVE U ALL.....!~!
-wahahahaha.....i bet all of the convent girl know what this day means to us...ITs our parents days...actually it should be held on 26 of june.I think?!And u all knoe the whatever thingy...haha..anyway is i causes the parents day to be postpone until yesterday...you see..how much power did ling ee have.wahohoho....and last time havin tution over pn emilda's house.and pn emilda told lynn that we are still gonna have our parents day..since havin parents day once in a year is our convent culture.so we should not miss it.this is wat pn emilda said it!and yilynn immediately turn her mood...so funny.and i am laughing there.caz you all know wats the reason im laughing..and pn emilda also laught at me.and keep saying because of me...everybody!i can make things change,...wahahha....
anyway,back to the topic.actually i wanna write about the parents day de...dunno y suddenly flew so far away lioa....comeback..haha....i absent class at thursday...sick again..actually is not again lah.im still not recover yet...the cough!argh!ahah.....anyway.....i havin allergic that day also..that is so bloody hell itchy woke up at thursday dawn.and felt my leg is so damn itchy.and i was scolding the stupid mosquito!and when i woke up at 5.30...and put on the sch uni..only i realise my leg and hand had red red spot..wahhaha.....allergic...haiz....
y am i taliking so much nonsense today.....i kept writting something else but my topic..haiz..
anway....friday we dint have anyclass....bored in school...talk all the way....and cant stop gazed out the window to watch the scenery that the parents walked in....actually i wnt to see my mum...called her many times.....no answer....expected....i reli dunno wat is hp mean for her....whenever she is in the public,she cant hear her hp..so sad....i miss call her four times....first two used ee ling's hp...and last two used xin yin's hp...thx you so much..anyway,,,,,,called but no use at all...and is recess time....actually dont wnt to go down.,...eventhought i go down,,i will not eat anything,......anyway,everybody went down..so i just follow them down...and guess wat i see...my mum!!!hooray!i am so happy!i dint espect to see my mum,.....so i ran in to the dewan....
but my mum is sitiing infront 4 pa 1 ....wahah...i tot my mum dunno where i study,,,but when i walk forward...ohhhh... i see......my mum havin a good chat with pn cool....so i just said there and listen to thier conversation....so funny they two......anway,,,,old friend mah!then after chatting with pn cool then is pn mj lioa...wow.....haha....wait oso......then dunno how long .....times flies....i went back to class......my mum just turn away like that,,without saying anywords,,....and goodbye.....then just go back like that?!OMG!i shout at my mum....infront dewan...ahahah.....i dont care....hehe.....then my mum said she is running out of time...ok...thats truth.,...my mum been so busy since my maid has gone....cant blame her...haiz...
then i went back home and curious about the conversation between my mum and teacher....
the conversation is quite fun...i should be there....i shoulg go down earlier...i miss one fascinating show...haha.....teacher dint say anthing bad of me...she said im good..ahahahh...so happy......
goin to update my blog next time with my trip to sunway college.....now is too late lioa...tmr morning havin chem tution...have to sleep early......haha.....
ps:i felt as curious as cagih does.... u know wat im tallking about..........
hahah............................................gd nite.....
LOVE U ALL.....!~!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Long time dint update my blog lioa....
fall sick again........
so sad...absent from school since last thursday......
sleep the whole day!but im not getting better but getting weaker.....
my sorethoroat is like....argh!i think this is the first time my sorethroat so serius....is like a knife cut ur throat!so hurt...haiz....
and havin cough oso`~~fever......WTH~!
but doctor said its ok de.....is not h1n1...haiz....hope so....reli feel scare.....
tmr goin back to sch!dont feel like goin in back at all...can i take mc for a few day more..haiz....
dont want to go back sch and face my terrible result...i reli dint do well in this exam....
i even had headache and fever during admath paper.....die la!scare will fail~~now i dunno how i do the admath oso...like dreaming.....haiz.........
and friday is open day...so sad....teacher sure said my result de`~
hope everything get well soon......looking forward for the next holiday!~
love u all oh~!haha!!~~
fall sick again........
so sad...absent from school since last thursday......
sleep the whole day!but im not getting better but getting weaker.....
my sorethoroat is like....argh!i think this is the first time my sorethroat so serius....is like a knife cut ur throat!so hurt...haiz....
and havin cough oso`~~fever......WTH~!
but doctor said its ok de.....is not h1n1...haiz....hope so....reli feel scare.....
tmr goin back to sch!dont feel like goin in back at all...can i take mc for a few day more..haiz....
dont want to go back sch and face my terrible result...i reli dint do well in this exam....
i even had headache and fever during admath paper.....die la!scare will fail~~now i dunno how i do the admath oso...like dreaming.....haiz.........
and friday is open day...so sad....teacher sure said my result de`~
hope everything get well soon......looking forward for the next holiday!~
love u all oh~!haha!!~~
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