Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beethoven virus~~

waaaaa....reli nice show..haha..i realise that wuli dongsaeng's wife-taeyeon sing de ost alwayz so nice..and the drama will be very nice and hav a good result in korea...waaa.....last time honggetung oso...hehe...wahahah~~this show is about music de..last time reli wanna watch..then now finally download and watch o~! got 16 alredy 13 ep~!liao~!waaaa....goin finish lioa`!OMO...cant wait to knoe the ending~~
55555555...y ~!!!y wuli rumi will love big konu a~!!how about wuli small konu~! keun suk reli shuai then de big kanu leh`!!!hiaz....and i watch until rumi knoe she will be deaf after 4 month~!OMG~!how can a musician be deaf neh~!hiaz....that gal reli pretty leh~!

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