Friday, October 31, 2008

Today i dint go to schl again`!wahahaha...but i think many pp oso~!so xien in schl`!!haiz...wat competiton~!everyone hav to not a active girl leh~!!wahahahha...only active infront my friend~!!wahahahha..i recall about yeasterday~!WAH...Chincha~!wahahahah....Eveyone knoe wat im doin with my omma~!!
naba...naba......hahaha~~today a...i sleep until 10 something~!!hiaz...caz yesterday sleep at 3 am...downloading beethoven virus....wahahah..i watch until ep 14...still got two more then habis liao~!hiaz...must be a sad ending...actually to ep 9 already is sad ending lioa~!!my keunsuk oppa~!! little konu a~~hiaz...y alwayz keunsuk oppa must be a sad ending leh`!Y every gal dint follow him leh`!ANDUEI~!hiaz....huangzhinyi oso...he died~~5555~~hongettung oso~!!and now~!beethoven virus oso~!WAh...chincha~!!!qi`~hehe...i watch back the mnet 20 choice...caz he is de mc mah~!and he dance...OMO OMO~!he smile~!reli like he smile....haiz...dont worry lah~!my sis and my cagih and my honey and my yobo...i will not cahnge my yobo de...yobo this place will alwayz be my hyukjae oppa de~!wahahha..hyukjae oppa a~~saranghae~!haiz...juz now go watch super show again`!reli hope dajie quick quick come back and high with me~!!haiz...we can dance YMCA together o...haha...caz in suju concert they wnt elf to dance with them...YMCA....YMCA....BANG..BANG...haha~! talk about SUPER SHOW bah`!wah~!!!my yobo and donghae oppa reli alwayz stick together leh`!how to say neh~~feel like donghae reli miss my yobo...but still fight with each other~!haha...reli funny`!when donghae oppa sing...then my yobo kick his PP...haha..then after donghae turn....donghae oppa kick back...wahahah~!reli funny~~and many many things lah`!!when my yobo goin to sing in the song Belive....everyone say~!O.....eunhyuk goin to sing lioa....listen~!wahahahhhaha....and donghae juz sit beside him~!wahahhaha.....ohya....and marry u~!this is reli special`!suju wnt elf to sing...and not them sing 4 elf~!waaa...and u can imagine~!whole stadium ppl sing together....I DO~~~waaaa...and wuli tuek tuek cry until reli.....haiz~~my yobo cry oso leh`!reli very gandung~!and the song goin to end already,then wuli suju oppa sing together...I DO~~~Waaaaa....i oso i do`!wahhhaha..and first song is twins~~i think about my sis again~!!caz ast few year....i juz bought suju cd from thailand...that time is the first time i fall in love in them~~the first video to reconize they all is in twins mv....and now they sing it in concert....then feel reli very excited...and i think about my yesung oppa again`!only my sis will know hu is de first person that i love...haha.....and only my sis know wat sentences in twins to let me fall in love 4 him`~hha....sis~!u still remember rite?~!!!!!hahah...and last time we thought hankyung is de leader....and thought hankyung is tuek tuek~!wahahah`~reli funny`!las time reconize them with my sis until micikeso..`~haha...anyway`!wanna tell my sis~!I STILL IS A ELF oh~!like i say to u last time....i reli feel not reli care to suju at that time...but after i watch super show again`!i know it~!!!i will alwayz love them 4ever de....caz last time juz ......wahahahah~!i wanna watch with my sis again~!!!only she will be high with me like that`!!!i jump until my dad and mum say wanna tear open our house...wahahahha....dajie althought u say u are not a ELF anymore...caz u juz love donghae oppa and my yobo....but im sure u will be high like me de~!!caz WE ARE SISTER~!hahah~~miss u o~!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beethoven virus~~

waaaaa....reli nice show..haha..i realise that wuli dongsaeng's wife-taeyeon sing de ost alwayz so nice..and the drama will be very nice and hav a good result in korea...waaa.....last time honggetung oso...hehe...wahahah~~this show is about music de..last time reli wanna watch..then now finally download and watch o~! got 16 alredy 13 ep~!liao~!waaaa....goin finish lioa`!OMO...cant wait to knoe the ending~~
55555555...y ~!!!y wuli rumi will love big konu a~!!how about wuli small konu~! keun suk reli shuai then de big kanu leh`!!!hiaz....and i watch until rumi knoe she will be deaf after 4 month~!OMG~!how can a musician be deaf neh~!hiaz....that gal reli pretty leh~!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Shinee World

wahahahah`~feel sry 4 shinee...never write them be4 in my blog~~wahahhaa~~
anyway,reli hope shinee can get new star award~!must oh~!last time snsd lose to wonder girls lioa~!now this time shinee must get it a~!!haiz...this time SM hav to fight with JYP again`!JYP got two new group in list of new star award~!2AM and 2PM...haha...but i think only 2PM can fight with shinee...OMG~!dunno y there so famous..but i oso luv them lah`!but juz very curious..maybe there will be the second wonder girls lioa loh~!and they can dance well,sing well...and nickhum is thailand ppl...i like jaeboom ~~haha...dunno y leh`!i like can dance well de ppl leh`~!like my yobo..wahahha...hyujae a~~Ohya..and U-KISS oso got in...wahahha~~but they wont get sad..,,my kevin oppa~!haiz...he change from XING to U-KISS liao...and SS501 hyung jun's brother...marumir ki bum`~haha...last time he leave XING first de...then now with kevin again lioa~!!kevin reli very shuai leh~!!and still can sing so well/...last time my sis and i like yume and kevin..but dunno where is yume liao...all de old XING member leave liao`!hiaz...

Love the song shinee world...doobap~!
wuli bling bling jonghyun...wuli energy taemin....wuli key KEY.....wuli leader Onew.....wuli charisma is minho....we are shine shine shinee...wahahah...doobap boobap...reli like this song~!i like this song better then love like oxyge,,...haha...ohya.and there repackage album release liao`!AMIGO~~waaaaa...this song reli has stye...dunno y shinee song is like reli not reli like sm taste leh`!wahahah..i like onew...haha....onew reli very cute~!!whahaa..i oso like onew dwuli minho...waaa..reli very shuai...atfirst minho reli not reli attract many ppl....caz too quiet liao~!but he reli is very shuai`!nowonder every shinee member say miho very charisma....hhaa.....wuli jonghyun ...reli can sing well~!!!Waaa...u dance so much,but still can sing in high pitch....waaaa..lihai leh`!wahahha...wuli key omma~!stop nagging there liao lah~!hha..wuli KEY juz like HERO...alwayz cook 4 member...hahah~!and wuli taemin~!taemin smaller then me leh`~!waaa..suddenly feel like im very old lioa,....haiz...taemin a....nuna a~!wahahaah.....ohya....whenTVXQ get first in music bank and inkigayo....hero and xiah got hug wuli shinee oo~~waaa..all SM de..hehe...

yeah...updating my blog again....

wahahaha~~last few day juz chat with my dear sis~~this is my first time chat with her so long time leh`~!hehe...very happy...caz alwayz not reli dare to chat with her..she very busy de mah..everytime hav to ask her :sis,are u busy~~hehe...later i kena marah,then die a~~haha...
but that time reli chat happily with her..haiz..long time dint chat like this with her liao loh~!caz last time she said dont wnt to chat with her with k-pop things..she wanna study~!hehe...quick quick come back bah~!dajie...miss u so much..nvm,december..haiz..then we can talk until morning liao ~@@..hehe..

ohya,we juz go KL last few day many things..and spend daddy many money`!im sorry,daddy~~u knoe that i love u alwayz de ,rite`!haha...and i go sungai wang de VICTORIA MUSIC CENTRE~!OMG~!so many korea cd....OMG~!now stil unbelivevable`~!wahahaha..At first, i just go in and de..caz mrs tuek tuek say they got many korean cd...but when i go in, true..hav many cd..but all put like in de library~!wahahaa...very difficult to juz ask the worker,got F.T island de??then he take me to there...OMG~!!!All korean CD~!that time i was reli crazy!!!reli`!everytime im thinking is that a shop hav many korean cd that i wnt?!!!if reli got i wanna buy many many ~!OMO..OMO...first cd i saw is soyogi by F.T..then behind that is colourful sensibility~!OMG~!!!And de ppl take the cheerful sensibility,and The Refleshment from upper part of the rak`!OMG!~~~~im goin crazy...And then so many korean cd..waaaa....then i help me sis buy mirotic loh~~then they still got SHINee de...Wonder Girls de..RAin de...Big Bang de...And....!!and..!!!they oso got A'ST1 de`!OMG~!!!it is so in~!!!wakekekeke~!reli happy~!then de ppl ask u wanna SJ de??then i got alredy mah~!but he said the super show~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG~!!!!!!!!!!!Super Show concert DVD oso got~!!!Waaaaa..neomu chutahae~!hahah~!I reli cant belive...OMG~!!haha..i thnk im goin crazy`!reli`~~!!when i was they ,my face dunno y become reli red...and very hot ~~(im so hot crazy)hoo~~and my brother buy snsd de~!hehe... talk about my namdongsaeng bah~!wahahaa...caz promise my unni must update blog de...must update everyday..haha...actually reli lazy to write~!but dunno y write...write...then suddenly feel like many things wanna write..hahah~!At first time i knoe my brother...i was like goin to tell dajie...but she not in mah`!later scare later scold by her,,,(she is a busy girl) first.he reli luv sunny~!he even because sunny is sunny mah`!then he love the weather sunny~!wahahaha...caz sunny is a cute gal,...and even in SJ-H cooking cooking mv oso~~very cute...but then he suddenly told me that :erjie,now i like taeyeon very much leh`!she is my wife..(wahahahha)and now sunny is second~!!!wahahahah...i think he reli very fall in love in taeyeon~~last time go buy gift 4 his friend..then he saw a bear bear~!HE say wat~!!!OMG~!HE WANNA BUY 4 TAEYEON...Wahahaah~!i wanna diedao lah`!wahahah~~