Exam finally over liao!!!haha...so happy...and holiday comming..hoorey!!!!my damn stupid pc cannot open my blog...so sad,this is my mum pc,haiz..long time dint write blog loh!!!got many things happen but cannot write in blog..so now i write it....haha...my brithday long time pass already.kia kia,mu mum gave me a cutte bear bear...haha,love it so much!!!and at the last holiday,i made alot of kuih muih...haha.my poor hand was hurt,the stupid fire loh!!and the poor sper junior met accident.ayway it happen in april.....gyhyun oppa,ehyunyuk oppa,lee teuk oppa,and shindongoppa was hurt...gyuhyun oppa is very serious,he even in icu.oh my god!!!!i felt very sad leh!!!!byt now there all okay liao...gyuhyun oppa will not living in the hospital anymore in july....haha....