Monday, May 28, 2007

exam finaly over liao...

Exam finally over liao!!! happy...and holiday comming..hoorey!!!!my damn stupid pc cannot open my sad,this is my mum pc,haiz..long time dint write blog loh!!!got many things happen but cannot write in now i write brithday long time pass kia,mu mum gave me a cutte bear bear...haha,love it so much!!!and at the last holiday,i made alot of kuih poor hand was hurt,the stupid fire loh!!and the poor sper junior met accident.ayway it happen in april.....gyhyun oppa,ehyunyuk oppa,lee teuk oppa,and shindongoppa was hurt...gyuhyun oppa is very serious,he even in icu.oh my god!!!!i felt very sad leh!!!!byt now there all okay liao...gyuhyun oppa will not living in the hospital anymore in july....haha....

the pirate and the caribbean at the world end

last friday nite....go watch pirates of caribbean already!!!!oh gosh...the end is so sad....55555!!!why will only can go land after 10 years!!!!!so sad.....poor elizabert....i watched again the curse of the black pearl and dead men it so many time liao!!!!!but not xian leh...orlando bloom so cool....haha.but like him more in the lord of the ring,kia kia....haha.....acyually this pirates and the carribean3 is not so bad lah..i wonder yyy my father watched and commanded it this movie got so many funny funny!!!!i will watch it again....