Saturday, August 20, 2011

South australian matriculation is indeed a very hard course. I've always though that SAM is the easiest course that you can ever find. Obviously that i was wrong. I've suffered alot this years. It was terrible , stress . I've been through so much things. I studied more than ever. I wanted to get flying colors results.I hope that i can do this.

Althought SAM is tough. But i enjoyed a lot. People said college is the most wonderful time that you can ever find. I started to agree with this statement. I enjoyed a lot . I had a whale of time with all my friends and teachers. I played a lot . There were a lot of activities which were fun.

Oh gosh , i am so going to miss my college life after i graduate! I'm sure this year gonna be the best year of my life! Cheers !

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wow Wow ! time flies. I'm going back to KL this coming sunday! so fast.
I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with my family. i wondered why time always pass by so fast whever i enjoyed the most! And it pass by super slow when i'm suffering!I don't want to go back. But i know is impossible. i have to go back and finish my studies. This is my responsible.

hooooo.... Second semester is coming. I have no idea whether i did well for the first semester or not? but i know i did my best. whatever its turn out to be , i already tried my best. If it turns out not good, thats mean i'm stupid. but i hope everything will be fine!

I've been studying everyday! this is my first time that i studied like hell. Is like there is no time for you to play. got back home, did some housework ,eat than study... study and study. Is like all the things that i did there is just studying.

So i hope everything will turn out good! god bless :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I just looked back my very last post. Is just a day before i came here. KL. Time flies. I feel like is just a nick of time. I've been here for half a year already, many things had happened , people have changed , all the things surrounding me are changing.

All this time , I been waiting to go home. I just want to be with my families and all my friends! I miss them so much. Eversince i came here , i realised nothing is more important than your own family! They will be there for you whenever you are sad , whenever you are in deep trouble , whenever you break down. You can cry on their shoulder , and i miss the time that mom will tell me everything will be alright, all the sad things will pass.I miss the old days so much right now!

But this is indeed a great change for me to learn. I've learn a lot of things. I learned to live by myself , to be independent! I learned how to take care myself. I used to rely on my family very much. I admit that i was like a princess last time. I dont't have to do anything. But now , i have to do everything by myself. But is good. Cause everybody have to grow up. Is just a process that everybody have to experience.

Overall , everything is fined. Not everything, is just most of the things. But I still feel very thankful. Thank God!

Hey guys! I'm back! It's been a long long time since i last updated my blog. Guess what , just now when i wanted to sign in, i can't! My email account has been deactivated. Gave me a shock. And that time , i feel like open another blog. A brand new blog. But nah... is just a waste of time. Anyway , i still manage to sign it. Just take it as a sign from god, hence i will continue using this blog! yeah! clap hands.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Last day in JB!

Oh gosh! last day in JB~!!
i cant believe it. i am going to leave home. is not leaving for vacation anymore. is not like a few days only. But is one year. Although will come back during holiday. But this seem unreal for me.
i dont wish to leave home! i'm sure i will get homesick! i love my family , my home , and my yellowish room... haha....

i'm leaving to KL! a bustling city. everytime i was at KL, JB made me feel like a kampung..haha....
i dont like crowded place actually, thats y i am not reli excited about it. but kind of nervous!
going to make new friends , a brand new life.... A life without any help of my mum and dad.
a life that must depends on myself! i'm not sure whether i will be alright or not..haha...
caz now only i realise how much i depend on my family.

Anyway, im going to be strong! enjoy my new life in KL! hope i will get excellent results !!
haha.......God Bless Me!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last day of 2010.....

WOW! time of this year...

many things had happen. i experience many things that i never try before.
so overall is a great year for me , although something bad happened to me. i suffered quite a lot.
but is a good experience for me.

last year in school. I'm gonna miss old days in school, miss all my friends already. oh gosh.

Happy new year everyone!!!