Saturday, June 19, 2010

wonderful dinner!

This baby cute,right?haha......he is a spanish!so cute....
his eye is like so big!wahahahahahaha~~
and that women is my cousin's wife..haha...
she is rehersing how to be a mother!hahahahahaha..
hmmm..i should took more sad...
i had a dinner yesterday with my dad's friend!
German,Spanish,and brazillian!
so like a international dinner.....
it is so nice to have such a dinner..i enjoy it very much!
Argh!i should take some pic...........
yesterday,germany lost!haiz...
it is so unbelievable!serbia won!!!!wow!
haha....that german feel so sad!! haha...
he shout and shout!ohno, everyone looking at us~haha....
but is okay!is his own country mah! on that night i only realise how strong is the feeling a supporter feel towards their own country!hahahaha....
caz that brazilian and spanish kept booing the funny!
that brazallian and spanish support serbia just to hope germany lost!
this is so funny...for me,they are just like kids!hahahahaha....
the german said when spain lost, the spanish's office is flooded!hahahaha....and have to wear!we have a good laugh!
anyway, is a good experience....thx 4 my dad for letting me had a good chat with other country's ppl...and is reli so international!and i hope when i grown up, i will be like so many other country's friend!!