Sunday, October 14, 2007 lovest person birthday!!!

Yeah..,my brother birthday!!!AAAA,im so excited now!hehe....still got two more hours to go!!!lets countdown for brother bah!!haha...HAPPY BIRTHDAY OOO!!!!hehe...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i watch the thunder part 2 liao!!!! sad!i cant belive it!!my duizhang(jonghun)dead laio!!!!!5555555555555.....but i not really understand the story leh!!!!jonghun oppa is so super shuai leh!!!luv this mv so much!!!!!

F.T island fighting!!!!! sis tel me one thing!!haiz better not say!!!hehe..hongi oppa luv ur voice so much!!!!!

haha..lond time dint online liao!!!!hehe..yoyo..super junior second album!luv it so much!!!!!!ahhh...all become manman shuai shuai liao ooo!!!!!hehe..anyway my husband and brother always the best!heeh..eyukjae and donghae oppa,saranghaeyo!!!luv their new hairstyle so much!i like sungmin hairstyle!!really!sungmin hairstyle plus sungmin cute face!aaaaaa....kawaiine!i luv the sapphire blue so much!dududu yeah~~yeah~~~dududu..hehe...luv sapphire blue so much!!!i want to buy their album!but stupid slow malaysia haven sell yet!so sad!!!!5555555.....ohya!henry!!!!henry fighting!!!!!super junior already take ur out in their mv liao!!!!im sure u will be famous!fighting!!!!